What Can Lasso Do For Your Operation?

Monitor Lake & Pond Levels

Gauge Water Quality

Record Rainfall

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Need To Know?

Lake Levels, Rainfall & Quality

  • What are the levels inside ponds and lakes?
  • What is the rainfall amount for the water supply?
  • Is the water quality within range?


Lasso’s multi-faceted Alpha system provides a number of data points for monitoring bodies of water, including rainfall, spillway levels and local weather. With aquifers, groundwater is obtained via visualization that uses water flow and flow rate data to perform hydrogeologic tasks, including visualization of the potentiometric surface as it changes over time in response to pumping and recharge. And water treatment plant operation pump cycles may be monitored in real time. The Alpha system also allows near-real-time monitoring of municipal water levels and chemicals, including PH, chlorides, dissolved solids and pollution.